7 Reasons Why Your Business Should Hire Athletes


What is it about athletes that makes them such great employees? Of course they are trained to win on the playing field but how does that translate into the corporate world? 

We are going to explore the 7 reasons why your business should hire athletes.

  1. Winning attitude
    Athletes see themselves as winners. They have trained for the win, got hurt for the win, envisioned the win. Winning is the only option. Take the athlete away from their sport and they still carry that winning attitude into all that they do. Businesses thrive when employees come to work with positive attitudes and a winning mindset. It can change the dynamics of the whole team and ignite others to also win. Sounds like a win-win to us!

  2. Collaborative team player
    Athletes are used to being part of team and working towards a common goal. This is true whether they are in a single-person sport or a team sport; a gymnast is nothing without her coaches and a quarterback is nothing without his wide receiver. Understanding the true value of each team member is a unique quality. Knowing the strengths of each team member and appreciating those strengths, no matter how big or small, is what makes a true leader; and we all know that good leaders make happy employees and a very successful business.

  3. Self-motivates
    Athletes love to set goals and see them through to completion. They are great at motivating themselves and love to motivate others. Having a motivated, team player on staff can help lift the moral of the entire team, taking the business to new heights. What’s better than a motivated individual? An individual that motivates others too!

  4. Seeing things through to completion
    It’s the hours in the gym, the early morning starts, the late nights watching games and keeping an eye on the competition. All the hard work that goes on behind-the-scenes that makes athletes stand out from the crowd. These qualities have been instilled in the athlete mind from the get-go. A task, a sale, a project… you can trust that an individual with an athlete mindset is going to see it across the finish line.

  5. Coachable
    Athletes are great at taking direction and truly listening to what is being said. They have a desire to want to be better and can take constructive criticism and put it to use. They are not afraid of hard work and get excited to see where they began and where they are going.

  6. Great time management
    Time management is second nature to an athlete. From an early age they have become professionals at balancing their time between school, college, training, games/competitions. Businesses can rely on these individuals to show up early, stay late and do whatever it takes to get the job done and be successful.

  7. Team Leaders
    What makes a great leader? Many of the attributes of a leader are not found on paper or on a resume. Athletes are natural leaders. They are used to working as a team but are also comfortable leading and shine when given the opportunity to lead. They are good communicators and can handle themselves well in any situation. They are used to working toward a common goal and shared vision and inspire others to be great. It’s therefore clear why businesses want to hire people that have the potential to become leaders within their company.

Having reviewed these 7 reasons, it’s clear to see why athletes make excellent employees. With their unique skill set and passion, an athlete-minded employee is a true asset to any business.

If you’re looking for your company’s next superstar contact the team at Fowler Kay Group who can connect you with elite athlete-minded talent.

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Natasha Fowler